As a speaker, Dwayne Morgan has a dynamic, easy going charm, fusing his poetry between his messages, and keeping his audiences hanging from his every word.

Morgan uses personal stories and relevant anecdotes to address issues of:
Time Management
The Power of Positive Thinking
Critical Thinking
Gender Equality & Diversity
The Importance of the People Around Us
The Myth of Happiness
Living Local, but Thinking Global
Investing In Self
The Myth of Competition
The Power of Ordinary People
“I cannot believe the conversations around your presentation – people have been coming to me saying that it was the best assembly we have had at Bethune. As adults, there are so many messages we want to deliver to the students, and they often go unheard. Yesterday, they listened intently to your message – such a positive address. Students have been in thanking me for making the arrangements to have you, and some of them are already using your examples in their conversations about themselves. It created quite a stir within the school.”
M. Taylor
Dr. Norman Bethune C.I.
Current Talks & Workshops Available
(Talks can be tailored for most age groups)
This is my signature talk which focuses on change, choice, and self-love. Motivational in nature, Everyday Excellence challenges students to critique their thoughts and decision making to take hold of their potential. In February, issues around race are woven into the presentation, and in March, issues around gender are woven in.
This presentation explores the world of social media, and how it is changing how we think, act, engage, and understand the world around us. Students will be challenged to look deeper than the routine swiping of a screen to find more meaning in their daily activities.
While it is important that we all learn our collective histories, this talk touches on the Black experience, but focuses on the Black present and future. Through this talk, we see how ordinary people have shaped the world, and we are reminded that we all have a role to play in advancing society forward.
Creative Writing Through Hip Hop
This writing workshop uses Hip Hop music to illustrate how to effectively use literary devices, from rhymes to personification. This workshop is available as a one off or as a series.
Exploring Anti-Black Racism
This small group workshop is designed to challenge young people's
understanding of anti-Black racism. There are two versions of the
workshop; one for mixed audiences and one exclusively for Black
identifying students.
Introduction to Race
A number of schools have reached out to me, struggling to deal with issues of race, use of the N word, and creating a safe educational environment for all students. This session begins to break down the nuances of race in a way that students can digest.
Guess Who?
This multimedia presentation is designed for primary students, as a way
to explore stereotypes and possibilities. Students will be shown a photo
of one of my friends, and will have the opportunity to guess what they
think they do, before the actual answer is revealed.
For Teachers and School Staff
Race & Education
This session explores how race impacts the way different groups of students experience school. From personal biases to micro-aggressions, we look at the common realities for students of colour and increase our awareness of how we can move forward creating more equitable environments for all students to thrive.
Love Notes
This fun session gets teachers writing. It can be used for team building or as an act of self-care. We know that teachers have a hard job and deserve to have fun and be affirmed too!
Creating Belonging
In an increasing divisive world, it's becoming more of a struggle to create a sense of belonging and connection amongst staff and students. Through the lens of race and gender, this session explores what disconnection looks like, and what we can do to create a greater sense of cohesion in our school and life environments.
Courageous Conversations
This is a follow up to the Race & Education session, and is designed for
those who are already on their journey of understanding and want to go
deeper into the issues of race and how it impacts us and the work that
we do.
For Parents
Race & Our Children
This session looks at how race impacts our children, how they see themselves, what they imagine as their potential for the future, and how we can better live together in a world that no longer pretends that race isn’t a thing that affects us all.
Raising Resilient Students
With technology, the world is changing at speeds that we have never seen or experiences before. Many parents are completely out of touch with the realities of their teens, and some of the potential dangers of this new cyber world. This session breaks down how the world is changing and offers some strategies for how we can stay connected to our plugged-in children.
Social Media for Parents
In this workshop, Dwayne explores the digital world that our children are immersed in, how it differs from the world we grew up in, and the potential for social, mental, and physical harm.
Dwayne offers creative writing and spoken word workshops for students from grade four to grade 12. Please email to tailor a workshop to your needs.